Is the “Member Get a Member” campaign still a great idea, or has its time passed?
We have seen a number of associations use this method, but the numbers have never seemed very impressive. However, it can provide a small, short-term boost. Even better, the new members are likely to be more likely to stay in the association because they know another member.
However, this type of campaign cannot sustain your association membership development on a long term basis for two reasons: 1) Members tend to most actively recruit when there is focused attention and a deadline involved; and 2) the campaign does not tend to stress the benefits of membership so much as the relationship-based recruitment.
The bottom line is that it may be worth testing, but it should only be one part of your association membership development efforts. You need to also have an ongoing association marketing plan that stresses the benefits of membership. It is that ongoing effort that will result in your long-term membership recruitment success as an association.
Has your association had success with “Member Get a Member” in recent years? If not, what are using in place of this association membership campaign?
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